Mahala Loyalty Programme – RETAILERS
The ultimate value of a loyalty programme:
To change behaviour. To add enough value to swing a sale in favour of your own product.
The unquestionable value of Loyalty is in the CRM capability and the mining of the data in a clever, yet simple manner. The Mahala Loyalty Programme runs on a sophisticated CRM system, opening up the dark area of consumer spending patterns and detailed consumer information that was previously unknown.
The CRM system provides valuable client information over a very wide spectrum of consumer behavior, removing the guessing games of who your clients
are, giving you as partner a true reflection of your customer base with a click of a button. This information can scarcely be put into monetary values as they will increase your marketing effectiveness and save money not only in the long run but right off the bat.
• OPTION 1 – Open Loop: A Loyalty and Rewards Programme that is open – where clients can accrue and spend with your and various brands. Example: Entertainer, Discovery Vitality.
Mahala’s existing database of approximately 1 million members can be made available for marketing purposes subject to the approval of the
community owner as well as the member (POPI).
• OPTION 2 – Closed Loop:
A Loyalty and Rewards Programme that rewards your clients to accrue and spend with only your brand. Example: Dischem, Clicks.
A manual and digitised system to collect data of all your existing customer base, offering the opportunity to market and reward them direct. Comply with POPIA Act and get marketing consent from all your loyal customers.
Link: www.mahala.biz